About Our Clinic

Contact us to schedule a Consultation today

Scroll down get an idea about what to expect during your appointment


Call/Text: 530.303.8780

  • Please leave a voicemail if you call - we will be sure to contact you back. Due to our mobile nature and schedule, we rarely answer direct calls except if you’re an existing client.

  • Texting and email are great options as well - we will reply and contact you back in a timely manner. Thank you for your understanding!

Email : ryankocsis.dc@gmail.com


We are currently a mobile clinic and generally treat clients at their homes in combination with remote work. We travel mostly through California, particularly San Luis Obispo and the greater Sacramento region. Please reach out to see when we’ll be in your area. We are always offering phone/video consultations and ongoing virtual programming.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact us to schedule a free phone consultation to see if we’ll be a good fit for each other and what your goals are.

Check out Our:

Facebook Page - facebook.com/movementbaseclinic

What To Expect:

Initial Evaluation:

An initial appointment typically lasts for 1-2 hours. During this time, the doctor will perform an evaluation to gather necessary current and past history regarding your complaint and co-factors, perform a physical examination and provide treatment the day of. A focus on patient education about your specific complaint and other factors is a major focus throughout the appointment - leaving patients with a much greater understanding about why they are in pain and what they can do to help improve their symptoms. 

During your physical examination, we will take you through a functional movement assessment, postural and gait analysis, neuromuscular factors, joint motion evaluations and additional orthopedic testing as needed. Although we do not take X-ray or other imaging in the office, if your condition does deem necessary, we will refer you out to the right place and often co-manage your complaint with the appropriate health care professionals.

Patients can expect to receive treatment on the first visit. This may include chiropractic manipulation, joint mobilization, corrective movement exercises, soft tissue therapy, taping, and additional at home active care. A particular emphasis is given towards providing patients with the understanding for why you have pain and how your body is functioning, giving you the resources and tools to address your issues and fix your mechanics rather than just relieving your symptoms. 

A high emphasis is particularly put on creating an actionable rehab/health program to address your particular goals. Considering we are focused as consultation healthcare and work with clients who have a particular desire and motivation to complete at home care, we build off of those ideas. We recommend that you wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict your range of motion. We will always send a follow-up email with a full breakdown of what we discussed during the appointment as well as a full explanation around the programmed exercises for at home care.


Follow-up Appointments:

Regular treatment visits generally last about 45-60 minutes. Each treatment visit may be a bit different as the doctor and patient work together to help achieve your goals and address your symptomatic areas. The number of visits each patient needs may vary depending on your condition and current symptoms present. Patients who take an active role in their care and perform the exercises and other recommendations from the doctor, often recover and see faster improvement in fewer visits than patients who do not take an active role in their care. As we progress your treatment, we will continually be monitoring your improvements and may approach your specific complaints in various methods to get to what works best for your body and condition.

During care and over the course of treatments in our office, you will learn about your body and how it's functioning as you learn a variety of corrective movement exercises and additional active care in order to help address your own issues outside of the office. This comprehensive approach not only elicits faster resolution of pain, but provides the patient with long-term benefits, not just symptomatic relief, with strategies to maintain their health and continually improve their movement mechanics for years to come outside our office.

Depending upon location and clients, we continually check in virtually via phone/text, email and FaceTime to further assist in the prescribed programming and healthcare path. We put a particular emphasis on patient education and are always open for questions and explanation around concerns clients may have.